Thursday, May 13, 2010

20 Random Thoughts and Questions

1. I'm shocked, shocked I tell you that a Cleveland team choked in the playoffs. It's not like the city's professional sports team have a long, illustrious history of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory when it counts the most.

2. I kind of feel sorry for Laker Haters. I mean, rooting for the [insert bad to mediocre team here] can't be easy.

3. I've missed the Boondocks.

4. I have a bad feeling this is going to be another one of those "we're not going to totally suck, but we're not going to be good either" Dodger seasons.

5. Steve Nash = Baller. Can't question his toughness after the Spurs series.

6. I actually rooted for a professional Boston sports team this week. Wow.

7. Arizona was a Confederate Territory during the Civil War. Explains quite a bit.

8. I really hope the NCAA drops the hammer on $C, but I have a feeling it's not going to.

9. With all this talk of conference expansion, you can't say with a straight face that college athletics are amateur athletics anymore.

10. So how many people do you think are buying #23 Knicks jerseys with James on the back right now?

11. My first group of freshmen are graduating from Rice. I'm officially old.

12. I think the Lakers might actually pull it off this year. But I hope they don't overlook the Suns.

13. Inside the NBA might be the best show on television. And I'm dead serious.

14. With parking $15, Dodger Dogs $5, tickets more expensive than ever, and only season ticket holders being allowed to attend Yankee-Dodger games, it's likely the demographics of Dodger games will soon start to resemble the demographics of Laker games. And that's not necessarily a good thing.

15. Did the Atlanta Hawks realize that they were in the playoffs?

16. Am I the only baseball fan who doesn't care about the Red Sox-Yankees Rivalry?


Really? But I guess you have to do what you have to do to get that George Wallace vote down in Alabama.

18. Judging by people's comments on YouTube and other websites, the U.S. educational system has failed A LOT of people. A LOT.

19. Can someone tell me why I'm a Clipper fan?

20. Whatever happened to "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free"?

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